Optional Programs

Optional programs are offered in addition to the normal school day and are designed to  provide supplemental activities and care each day that we are open.  These options are available to ELNS students of all ages and can extend the day as early as 8am and as late as 1:30pm or 2:30pm. These programs are staffed by our regular teachers and they generally have the same schedule each month. 

Optional Program sign ups occur monthly and we invoice separately for these programs. If you sign up by the monthly deadline, we guarantee a spot for your child. After the deadline, we are happy to accept students at the last minute in these programs as space permits but an additional $2/per session drop in fee will apply.

Some students participate in these programs every day while others come for a day here and there or register seasonally to participate in one of the enrichment programs (soccer, yoga, dance, etc.). When a student is registered for both Afternoon Explorers and an enrichment program, they eat lunch with the Afternoon Explorers, enjoy a bit of play time, and are then taken to the enrichment program by one of our teachers.

Register Now for September Optional Programs

Early Arrival

We offer an early arrival program for students needing care a bit earlier than when our normal school day starts.  Students in this program may be dropped off beginning at 8am.  

Hours: 8am - 8:45am
Cost: $9/day

Afternoon Explorers

Is your child ready to have loads of fun after school? Do you want them to start having a longer day in preparation for Kindergarten? Afternoon Explorers is the answer! Each day has a theme with planned lessons that the students will participate in after eating lunch. Ms Scruggs is our lead teacher for Afternoon Explorers and other ELNS teachers assist her throughout the week. 

Weekly Schedule
Movin’ Mondays – The children will get to do a variety of gross motor activities.

Artastic Tuesdays – The children will get to delve into some form of the arts and create to their hearts content.

Wiggle Wednesdays – There will be games galore to encourage children to practice their gross motor skills on Wiggle Wednesdays.

Scientific Thursdays – The children will get to participate in science experiments, explore nature, and delve into the world of STEM.

Foody Fridays – There will be cooking (and eating!) activities for the children to enjoy

Hours: Noon - 1:30pm
Cost: $11/day
$9/day when registered for an enrichment program (soccer, yoga, dance, etc.)

Extended Stay

We offer an extended pay program for students needing care for a little longer each afternoon.  Students in this program stay until 2:30pm and must also be registered for Afternoon Explorers.  Students are offered a nap/rest time  as well as additional classroom activities and playground time.  

Hours: 1:30 - 2:30pm
Cost: $10/day